Monday 31 March 2014

Megan's 5 Sentence Challenge

Lost deep in the tunnel the princess  blindly wandered  about then she heard a strange howling.  Something  was following her.  She screamed!  Suddenly a brave prince launched like a rocket  into the tunnel but was he  too late? He wasn’t going to give up no matter what!


  1. Well done Megan. I am dying to know what that something is - I love the way you've hidden it from the reader!

  2. Catherine Hinchliffe1 April 2014 at 07:38

    Fantastic sentences Megan and all your own ideas! I hope the Prince is not too late! My clever girl! Mum x

  3. What a great opening!
    I also really like those two short sentences that make it a bit scary! Ooooh what was following her, I wonder?

  4. What happened next Megan? Such exciting writing!

  5. Hi Megan, what an exciting 5 sentences. I hope the Prince gets there in time! I really like how you have captured your readers attention in your first sentence and also how you have varied your sentence length.
    Keep up your great writing. I look forward to seeing your next piece.

    Miss D, 5 Sentence Team
    Sumner, Christchurch, NZ

  6. Brilliant Megan, what happens next?

  7. Grandma Margaret4 April 2014 at 07:30

    Lovely Megan and I love the way you look after Matthew

  8. Oooh Megan you have got us gripped!! What brilliant descriptive words and punctuation.

  9. Amazing idea Megan. Good describing words . What a brave Prince!
