Monday 31 March 2014

Emilia's 5 Sentence Challenge

The Puppy in the tunnel

A cute,little puppy was lost in the tunnel. It was a dark and scary place, but a little girl saw the puppy. She called her brother to get him out. “ OK, only if you give me a hug” - said her brother. So the sister gave him a hug, then he went to the tunnel. He was scared when he saw a shadow , it looked like a wolf. “Argh!”- he  screamed. Boy ran away, but the brave girl went and… she rescued the puppy. The puppy was saved, they ran out of the tunnel to the fields!


  1. It's a very nice story, Emilia. Hugs and kisses from Poland. :)

  2. Some good speech marks here Emilia, well done.

  3. Well done Emilia, excellent writing! I'm very proud of you. Mum ;Brawo córciu.

  4. Hello Emilia,
    I am so glad that there is a brave girl in this story to rescue the cute puppy :-)
    I think I may have been very scared if I thought I saw a wolf.
    Thank you,
    MrsP Team 5SC
