Wednesday 7 May 2014

Megan's 5 Sentence Challenge

Knowing she had to somehow sneak on that old steaming train, Evie scrambled under the other passengers’ legs   Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed her but being so fast she managed to get away. She raced!  In the hustle and bustle of the busy station, the man, with the strong tough hands, lost her.  Finally, crouching down, she crept on to that train as quiet as a tiny whisper.


  1. That is excellent! Mr Handley

  2. Wow Megan this is exciting! Well done.

  3. Wow how exciting Megan. I am so glad she got away from the man!
    Well done !

  4. Wow Megan, these are your own ideas and they are so exciting! You always try so hard and are really trying to make your writing exciting for the reader. I absolutely love your similie 'as quiet as a tiny whisper' because it tells me just how quiet and sneaky Evie was. Your very proud mum xx
