Wednesday 7 May 2014

Dominic's 5 Sentence Challenge

Quickly all the trains are in the station and they are all steamed up.

So we bought our tickets after queuing up.

We are going on our holidays because the school’s broken up.

It was early in the morning and as black as coal and we walked on to busy Platform 9.

Oh no! Oh no! We are not travelling anywhere – I’m still in bed and I have just woke up!


  1. I love "as black as coal" as a description. Well done Dominic.

  2. Hello Dominic,
    What great sentences, you have made your writing sound friendly and chatty - I think it was because you repeated the "up" at the end of the sentence, your work flowed :-)
    I hope you get to ride on a steam one day.
    Thank you,
    MrsP Team 5SC
